Today we promised our feet and knees to walk less! They still hurt..

So we decided to go sightseeing by metro! Of course all the ticket mashines had to be out of order, so we still ended up having to walk one station..

First thing on the todays list was throwing a coin, with our right hand over the left shoulder, in Fontana di Trevi! Lots of people, lots of coins and someone proposed which had everyone clapping and cheering!

Second on todays list, the Vatican City and the holy St. Peter’s Basilica! We looked up the best times to go, when the queues weren’t too bad, and so at 14 we headed there with barely any queues at all! Seems like the tour buss crowds go there in the mornings. As we went inside we were momentarily speechless! By now we had seen quite a few churches, but this one has its own category. Magnificent! Lastly we headed to the Gemonian Stairs (under construction yet again..) before looking for an Italian resturant with great pasta! And we found it! Well after avoiding some other resturant with pushy waiters trying to get us to eat there..

Le Grotto! With the most wonderful italian pasta we had ever eaten and Robin had an apparently ”super delicious”, ”best ever”, ”so comming back here” pannacotta! We can definitely recommend Le Grotto! Prices are really good too.

When we got back to our B&B we knew we had to do laundry. After looking at our options our best choise was hand washing in the sink. Followed by rinsing in the bidet, wringing out the excess water in the shower and finally hanging the clothing to dry in the closet with a towel under. The result: tired arms and lots of clean clothes! 😉