After smooth flights we finally arrived 15min ahead of schedule at Vienna International Airport.

There we quickly headed off the the ÓBB help desk inorder to reserve spots on our night train to Venice the following day. We decided on a cabin for six people as it was the cheapest. Lets hope we get to share it with some kind/normal/sane/interesting/not to noisy people! We also got ourselves some tickets to Vienna City Center. Now these were the most informative tickets we had ever seen! No info about which platform to go to, what stop to get of at or which train to take…

So we just went down to the first of the two platforms. There one train/u-bahn seemed to head in the direction of ”Vienna City Center” and we figured we were on right platform at least. With the help of a local we confirmed it was the right U-Bahn! YAY!!

At our next step we bought us a pair of 48h local transport tickets (should have done that at the train station…) and headed to the tram supposedly taking us near the hostel, but yet aging there was no info! So in witch direction are we supposed to take the tram?? Thankfully some kind locals helped us out again.

Juat a little bit left, ond short walk and were there right? Nope not really, the hostle directions were a but unclear and we managed to get a bit disorientated :/ So yet again a local pointed us in the right direction and so we finally found our A&T Hostel!!! 🙂

Thank you helpful people of Vienna!